New Year * New Me

Happy, Beautiful New Year, Friends…

First, I am so grateful for you.

I love the concept new beginnings and intentions…there’s just something about the flipping over of a new calendar that brings a sigh of relief mixed with optimism. We humans thrive on new-ness, don’t we? New anything… new jobs, new friends, new experiences,  new beginnings and new opportunities. It’s really what life is all about. For me, my biggest rush has always been new ways of being. We don’t ever want to take old versions of thinking or of ourselves into the new year….I have a little story on that…

I’ll back up a month or so…

Right after Thanksgiving, My husband and I went away on sort of a second honeymoon slash retreat slash celebration. His intention was for us to just celebrate a milestone in his business as well as just plain old recharge in ways we never have before…or could here…now that our children are out of the house and after years of building a business…and all of the regular stuff life entails….this was different. This was to go away to just soak in clean energy and enjoy having the time to reconnect.  Not only could we talk over dinners we didn’t have to cook, we actually had dinner together. We don’t always at home. We didn’t leave this place for 10 days. We’d be fools if we did. My husband is one of the hardest working men I’ve ever met. He is smart as a whip with a good heart. {who could use more downtime in my opinion…} Remember the line from the movie ‘The Blindside” where Tim McGraw -the husband- says…’I’m working even when I’m not working’?  Maybe you don’t…but, I do because my husband owns franchise restaurants too…and it’s such a funny but oh-so true industry statement.  And, so he specifically chose an experience where he did not have to think. Our only criteria was to fill our cups and return replenished. Frankly, I feel honored he asked me to tag along. Just kidding.  Sort of.  He knows that with our youngest daughter gone from the nest, with me delving into my intuitive single sessions with clients {which I absolutely love} and being not only called to, but yanked into work with factory farming awareness…{I am so in the pull of this wake that I can’t ignore it anymore – discomfort, heartache and all…I care more about them than I care about my suffering or discomfort at what is happening to them…that’s how any of us can determine ‘is it worth it?’.} My husband saw that I, too, could use this time away to refuel. And, so we did.

I decided to use this opportunity to do a deep, spiritual & physical cleanse.  I nourished my body with a little yoga, lots of green juice and clean food…I walked miles of beaches every day…all to allow it to be quiet enough to hear and accept the downloads that have been trying to get to me for months….the knowledge and insights from my guides. This quickly and frankly, quite easily, boiled down to One question they asked me: ‘Who do you want to look in the eye when you look in the mirror when you return?’ Not talking about what you look like, Susan. This is about the integrity of your soul.

Who the hell ARE you and what the hell do you STAND for? Ugh…I knew I was purging. I just had no idea how much of  it was poison.

When I thought about what needed to change or be tweaked in order to make space for more meaning in my life for the new year, I started by looking at the areas that were screaming for my attention.  I found there were plenty of areas I was an expert at ignoring.  The incongruent areas were the loudest. I knew returning home to my life heading into a new year was going to be much more than just making a list of refreshed commitments. This ran deeper.

It’s so easy to play small, play dumb and let others handle the heavy lifting. And by remaining dim in a few areas serves no one. We are so much more capable than we give ourselves credit. When we create lives that are so noisy we can’t help but not hear the voice inside us – you know the one you showed up here with that makes sure you do, be, share or heal…what you came here for? When that is ignored other parts of our lives disintegrate simply out of confusion. And, then we wonder why life becomes harder. That’s the time to take inventory and check our integrity level. Do our actions match our hearts and words?  I discovered it was time for me to renew my relationship with integrity.

One of my favorite artists of all time is Alanis MorissetteSuch wisdom in her lyrics. So, in honor of her song ‘Thank U’, I say Thank You Mexico…Where I was able to see where I was misaligned. I so resonate with Alanis as she eloquently states in her own words…

“I felt that I lived in a culture that told me that I had to consistently and constantly look outside myself to feel this elusive bliss. And I achieved a lot of what society had told me to achieve and I still didn’t feel peaceful. I started questioning everything, and I realized that actually everything was an illusion and it was scary for me because everything I had believed in was dissolving in front of me and there was a death of sorts, a really beautiful one ultimately, but at first a very scary one, and so I stopped. I stopped for the first time and I was overcome with a huge sense of compassion for myself first, and then naturally that translated into my feeling and compassion for everyone around me and a huge amount of gratitude that I had never felt before to this extent. And that’s why I had to write this song, ‘Thank U,’ because I had to express how exciting this was and how scary it was and all of these opportunities for us to define who we are.”

And, yes…I know…I oughtta know. {Alanis insiders get that}. So, although I returned home in the somewhat same body, it was definitely in a much more authentic soul level.

This year, my  2015 ‘To Be List’  looks like this:

  • Stop using the word ‘wish’ and replace it with ‘will’.
  • Stop asking ‘Who?’ (can fix or do something about…) and replace it with ‘Me’
  • Purge. Every nook and cranny of my life to make space for grace. If I can’t use it, respect it or honor it – bye-bye.
  • Renew, re-choose and re-member what and who is earning their keep in my life. If they offer clean currency– they’re in. If not, I release them, re-gift it, or donate. No exceptions.
  • Focus on Forgiveness. Focus on Love. Myself more consistently and then upward and outward…Man, does the world need more of both.  And, so do I.  And, maybe, so do you.  It takes root from the inside first in order for the vibration of intent to be received. No one can serve from an empty dish. It will never not work this way.
  • Connect.  I will focus on authentic connections. It is necessary to seek out and connect with the like-minded in order to soar. I’ve always said…’find your flock so you can soar…’ I truly believe that and intend to tidy up my flock.
  • Release. It is just as necessary to release those who are not part of your flock so they can soar. Nothing is wrong with anyone. Give the gift of freedom to those who are not strong enough to leave.
  • Wear my Perspectacles. Every day. Perspective is one of my favorite words. A tweak in perspective drastically affects how we experience. Every thing. Every body. By viewing the world through my perspectables, I know I will be a judgement free co-creator and contributor. {Thank you Lisa from our private facebook group for introducing me to this great word…if this blog speaks to you, you are invited to join our amazing group of women in our facebook group – To Join us… Just  ‘like’ my facebook page at Susan Mullen, Intuitive Living and private message me there to request to join us!}
  • Thank & be grateful for every thing. Every ease and every dis-ease.  I know that which breaks my heart is there to crack me open even wider to allow my light to escape. I’ll work on bringing awareness to the legal horrors of  factory farming of animals for food because it breaks my heart and because I can.
  • Embrace being fragile. Not at all to be confused with weak. I am extremely fragile and extremely strong. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I intend to leave the world better than when I arrived.

This is the year of infiniti. For those who are into numerology – 2 plus 0 plus 1 plus 5 = 8 which turned sideways means infiniti. It is the year we can all jump into the clean energy that will fuel our life’s work. But, we have to do two things first –

Take inventory to align with your integrity & then…simply… jump. There is a net. I promise. It’s called faith. 

All aspects of our lives will gain strength with less so we can create the space of integrity for a higher quality momentum. I believe in you. I believe in me.

With so much love,


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