I was looking out the picture window in our family room when a majestic 7-point buck sauntered out of the woods.

Several years ago when I was focusing on and fine-tuning my animal communication, I met a wise soul who is still with me today. It was time for a break from my animal communication practicals. I got up, stretched, and felt drawn to my picture window (in our previous home) for some grounding. The backyard was my sanctuary. It offered a large lawn surrounded by several acres of woodsy peace and tranquility. We saw many critters and animals from beavers, porcupines, raccoons, foxes, opossums, and plenty of does and fawns, but never in over 20 years of living in that house did we ever see an elusive buck.
I watched in awe as this mystifying being stepped out of his shrouded safety and into the vast openness. We locked eyes and I instantly connected to his integrity. I knew I couldn’t match it. He held the wisdom of all of nature and natural order. He had answers. I had questions.
This was also during the time I was making a big life change. I was leaving an in-demand 20-year wedding photography career as I was being pulled to serve people and animals through my intuitive reach. My guides shared it was time to release something good for something greater. It isn’t easy leaving money on the table for us humans, is it? Everyone has to eat. But when your soul is aligned as navigator, whispering ‘trust it’, you either trust (the pull) or rust. And because my mind essence was scared of the unknown, I knew it was the next right step.
The graceful buck walked over to the only two trees in the yard, a pair of stunning white birch, and stood between them perfectly framed. As an experienced photographer and stylist, he couldn’t have chosen a better spot. I don’t remember how long we stood staring at one another when my guide whispered in my head ‘Get your camera’. I replied ‘No. He’ll be gone”. She was more persistent. ‘Get your camera’. I felt the trust in her voice and exited quickly. When I walked slowly back into the room, I saw the buck hadn’t moved. He was still staring at the picture window. I slowly raised my camera, looked through the viewfinder, fumbled with the settings, and fired the shutter several times. The buck did not flinch. I lowered my camera and sincerely conveyed my gratitude telepathically. He lowered his head as if he bowed and nibbled on grass. He lifted his head, looked my way once more, then slowly walked back to the edge of the woods he had entered. And disappeared.
My main guide interrupted my trance with something similar to “He was called to help your animal communication sessions. He will meet the animals first so they aren’t startled by you invading their space. It will be helpful”. I conveyed back “..amazing…thank you”.
Within days, and because he so wisely allowed me the time to take a beautiful portrait of him (through a glass window), I began using that image to connect with his soul essence. And he began coming in telepathically to assist me with my animal communication practicals with my study group.
I asked him what do I call you? I heard “Buck”. Simple, humble, strong, just like him.
He has since transitioned, which he showed me was natural as the land was a no-hunting zone. He still shows up consistently for me to help my clients’ animals feel calm in sessions before I introduce myself. He is a remarkable and significant presence to me, the animals, my work, and now, part of his work on the other side. He never made another physical appearance to me again and we have never seen another buck during our time there. Two stretched canvas portraits of him proudly hang in my home.
Maybe your animal companion will have the chance to meet Buck..and me someday, too. It is our privilege and honor to help humans and their animals understand one another and convey their messages and wishes with love and grace.
In gratitude,